Undergraduate GIS products
Determining stormwater management deficits and lack of greenspace :
Geodatabase management and advanced field attribute calculator functions
Using ArcMap for calculations and analysis, I sorted and differentiated percentages in outputs to express impermeable surface areas of a subset of public institutions at the county level.
Identifing soil contamination from residual heavy industrial activity in urban area :
Statisical analysis with Gaussian process regression in ArcMap
Using the kriging method of interpolation to derive pollutant concentrations of arsenic and lead across Tacoma, WA, I created an interactive webMap hosted by ArcGIS Online (AGOL) .
Neighborhood Opportunity Dynamics: Sharing Access to improved public amenities in a Post-Prohibition Era
GIS capstone project where I employed geospatial analysis and social research methodologies to investigate the re-distributive impact of reinvesting tax revenue from 'sin taxes' in local communities.
Examining income inequality in urban neighborhoods :
Data modeling and 3D extrusion for spatial analysis
To demonstrate dynamic expressions of social impact across physical space, I examined cost per per day against median incomes across the city show enlarged boundaries of wealth gaps of neighborhoods in Tacoma, WA.
Relative ground truth data collection to construct 3D model of urban campus :
LiDAR point cloud data extraction with ground truth data collection
Using ground truth, spatial analysis, and data management techniques in ArcMap, I processed LiDAR point cloud data to create a general 3D model of structures within the UW-Tacoma campus.